Artwork from Aaron Wilder's Neither Sand nor Rock series is included in the September 2020 edition (issue #3) of Side Street Studio Art's The String.
Neither Sand nor Rock is a series of sequential photography collages that are neither linear nor cyclical, but represent a meditation on the psychological, imaginative, and physical gaps between childhood and adulthood. Each piece mixes collages of toy building blocks at various stages of completeness or incompleteness as either “Mommy’s house” or “Daddy’s house.” The psyches and personalities of children are built upon the foundations of the priorities and insecurities of their parents. These priorities and insecurities are a tangled web of subjective feelings and reactions of notions of identity vis-à-vis religion, socio-economic status, gender, and countless other forces. “Neither Sand nor Rock” is a series focusing on the construction and deconstruction of personhood and the expectations of intersecting (and at times clashing) belief systems.
The digital magazine can be viewed online here.